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Welcome visitors to this site, here you see the poems 

Poem of Thomas Pachhia

poem make you turn



When I was weaned child

My parents carried me

Through my journey.

When I was student

My teachers support me

My friends encouragingly said

You no differ than Einstein.


When I got twenty-five

My parents find a life passenger for me.

She support me and saying

Whatever is mine as yours

whatever is yours as mine.

She took my pains as her own

She kept her happy to my heart

As she said.


When I became old
My children’s hand help me

Through my journey.

At last when I died

My children carried me

On their shoulder

Till the finishing point of my journey.


In These Days


My Beloveds, while I am on its suffering

You are in a transport of joy.

“Just take me to there”

As my supplication was denied.

One who was with me on those days

Throughout the pains.

God why did you took him away?

And why am I here till.

Still I hope for tomorrow.



Get Ready


Be ready with your mouth

For a war between your opponents.

Why should your mouth be closed?

The slaves no longer differ than king.

All we born of women

We all have two legs and hand to be.

We may be under someone

But mind can never take to be.

Why should be closed our mouth

Be open when we unnecessarily questioned

Even by the king.


I had a bread

Once in my life had crime

“to be had a bread”

at the time when I cant count my hunger

I had a bread for free without asking for,

my people came over me

to send for a sleep forever for not having hunger again it once.

Their hands kissed on my cheek

for that I am not rich.

Something touch over mine neck

for that I have hunger.

I have been gone for asleep forever

for that I had a bread.

They praise me with words which I have ever heard

for that I have not abroad like the blue coloured bird.

They seen me in a manner

some looks me with compassion.

But non have show sympathy when I was on

even you too.

I thing that man is correct whose word was

“ poverty here is”

Moreover I could have been not gone for the sleep.

I had a bread…. I had a bread!



Nothing after whole


It is time for rest

What is fixed to me forever.

Here the men

Who keep time for making pit for me.

When I was on

Have you ever spent a minute for me?

If would be ,… I could have been..

Here some women

Who make to end all their tears.

When I was on

Would you ever make a tear for me?

If it would be,… I could have been…

Here are few who are always near to me
Who make words “the good person ever”

When I was on

Have you ever maid such words?
If it would be,… I could have been…

Here are the all older

Who hardly come for me.

When I was on

Would you ever come for me.

If it would be, I could have been with you now.

Nothing can be after whole.



To Be Where

I really forgot about,

What was in my thoughts is to be done.

So someone who made me to remember

To do what I mean to do.

The personalty brings back the word,

Now I use on,

Thought was the word as now,

Cause of those days,

But it is cause of vision,

To be where I should be.

Whether such one is mine,

I will have vision always,

Which can ever be gone,

To be what I never to be.

It will be oldest old me always.


Let Be Found

I finding oneself over where it lost.
Seeking is toughest thing ever be done.
Seeking oneself is painful
Like a mother who lost her child.
It’s not me, it’s fully someone
It’s what are not of mine.
It’s all differ from me.
I just seeking myself over where I was lost.
Seeking for dream, seeking for gold needle
Are just like plucking of flower.
It’s hard to break the root of tree,
Just like a man who find himself in dark.
When it is gotten to be found, let me known to all.
I would brought back the softness of my life again.
As mother celebrates when got back her child,
Over where they are far from her sight.
Let be found.

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